Forecast |
Provisional |
Variance |
Variance |
Month 9 |
Month 12 |
Movement |
Service |
£'000 |
£'000 |
£'000 |
Explanation of Main Movements |
Director of Families, Children & Learning |
(5) |
(5) |
0 |
Health, SEN & Disability Services |
965 |
1,158 |
193 |
Mainly linked to Adult Provider Services and an increase in overspend at Beaconsfield Villas. |
Education & Skills |
1,050 |
927 |
(123) |
Mainly relates to Early Years and a small reduction in the number of pupils on Home to School Transport. |
Children's Safeguarding & Care |
730 |
770 |
40 |
Minor movements. |
Quality Assurance & Performance |
23 |
(13) |
(36) |
Minor movements. |
Total Families, Children & Learning |
2,763 |
2,837 |
74 |
Adult Social Care |
539 |
(212) |
(751) |
Due to increased health contributions to Section 117 and temporary staff vacancies. |
S75 Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust (SPFT) |
(345) |
(562) |
(217) |
Due to reductions in client numbers within Memory & Cognition support. |
Integrated Commissioning |
(738) |
(1,198) |
(460) |
Better Care Fund risk share, temporary staffing vacancies and further delays to the planned service redesign. |
Life Events |
(42) |
(166) |
(124) |
Increased client income. |
Public Health |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Total Health & Adult Social Care |
(586) |
(2,138) |
(1,552) |
Transport |
422 |
7 |
(415) |
Reductions in paid parking incomes of £0.453m offset against additional suspension income of £0.084m. Shortfall on anticipated uptake of concessionary taxis offered to disabled bus pass holders of £0.041m. Further fee income within Traffic Management including street works of (£0.192m), Hoarding Licence fees (£0.057m), Skips & Scaffold (£0.084m) and Traffic Regulation Orders (£0.066m) offset by additional costs of £0.098m relating to the Highways Services Contracts Support Framework Processes. Transport Policy and Strategy has a (£0.096m) improvement due to additional grants funding employment costs offset by Highways Development Control income not fully covering costs of £0.054m. Reductions in Bus Shelter repair and replacement costs of (£0.086m) and Bus Shelter advertising income greater than anticipated due to omitted prior year income now invoiced of (£0.167m). |
City Environmental Management |
243 |
341 |
98 |
Additional fuel and vehicle related costs as a result of vehicle breakdowns and rising costs. Additional funding received not previously reported for projects within City Parks. Additional staffing underspends within Strategy & Projects and City Parks due to vacancies following vacancy and expenditure controls. |
City Development & Regeneration |
(150) |
(390) |
(240) |
Reduced and delayed spend in Sustainability of £0.077m. Spend reductions on professional and consultant fees in Planning Policy and Major Projects of £0.108m. Staffing vacancies and reduction in initiatives expenditure in Economic Development of £0.123m. Pressure due to share of attendance management charge (Goodshape) for the whole of EEC and interim director costs during the year of £0.092m. |
Culture, Tourism & Sport |
150 |
(106) |
(256) |
Increased costs of £0.288m to Royal Pavilion & Museums Trust under terms within the contract for salary pay awards in 2022/23. Greater than budgeted costs for Brighton Dome & Brighton Festival Arts Funding of £0.094m offset by vacancies held in the year within Arts of £0.086m following vacancy controls. Additional rental income of £0.435m for Sport & Leisure from turnover rents and Shelter Hall. Improved Venues income during Quarter 4 and spending controls of £0.111m. |
Property |
13 |
246 |
233 |
Underachieved income due to vacant units, NNDR pressures due to revaluations. Additional spend within planned maintenance for essential works. Higher than forecasted utility costs. Delays in projects resulting in Architecture & Design fee income lower than previously forecast. Costs previously within revenue for lift works appropriately charged to capital. |
Further Financial Recovery Measures |
(74) |
0 |
74 |
Financial Recovery Measure reflected in Venues Service. |
Total Economy, Environment & Culture |
604 |
98 |
(506) |
Housing General Fund |
366 |
439 |
73 |
A carry forward of £0.100m to repurpose the budget for the ethical lettings feasibility for an HMO licensing consultation; further repairs costs of £0.158m from the HRA for Seaside Homes and leased Temporary Accommodation. £0.178m overspend on SWEP, and an underspend of £0.349m on Housing Commissioning services for rough sleepers |
Libraries |
59 |
(28) |
(87) |
Staffing underspends of £0.075m. |
Communities, Equalities & Third Sector |
(137) |
(181) |
(44) |
Community Engagement Staffing (£0.022m), Community Development (£0.019m). |
Safer Communities |
(144) |
(322) |
(178) |
Underspend due to replacement of core funding with new grant funding (£0.165m). |
Total Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities |
144 |
(92) |
(236) |
Chief Executive Monitoring Office |
8 |
(1) |
(9) |
Supplies and services underspends. |
Policy & Communications |
(41) |
(274) |
(233) |
Higher recharges, unused corporate funding left as underspend. |
Legal & Democratic Services |
222 |
93 |
(129) |
Lower staffing costs and higher recharges than expected. |
Elections & Land Charges |
68 |
49 |
(19) |
Slightly higher income than forecast for land charges. |
Customer Modernisation & Data |
(200) |
(496) |
(296) |
Corporate funding held back in respect of spending controls. |
Finance (Mobo) |
(126) |
(104) |
22 |
Higher staff costs than forecast. |
Procurement (Mobo) |
0 |
(17) |
(17) |
Supplies and services underspends. |
HR & Organisational Development (Mobo) |
(215) |
(380) |
(165) |
Higher income than forecast and corporate funding held back in lieu of spending controls. |
IT&D (Mobo) |
(400) |
(502) |
(102) |
Further management of vacancies. |
Welfare Revenue & Business Support |
146 |
(154) |
(300) |
Combination of increased underspends for staff and supplies and services and higher income than forecast (late receipt of new burdens funding). |
Contribution to Orbis |
1,440 |
1,478 |
38 |
Lower Orbis Partnership underspend than forecast. |
Total Governance, People & Resources |
902 |
(308) |
(1,210) |
Bulk Insurance Premia |
293 |
400 |
107 |
Increased cost for settlement of claims. |
Capital Financing Costs |
(2,441) |
(2,495) |
(54) |
Higher interest rates and investment balances. |
Levies & Precepts |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Unallocated Contingency & Risk Provisions |
(383) |
(383) |
0 |
Unringfenced Grants |
(79) |
(589) |
(510) |
£0.496m Business Rates Retention Levy surplus distributed to local authorities and £0.013m Transparency Code grant. |
Housing Benefit Subsidy |
761 |
1,430 |
669 |
£0.351m worsening on net recovery of overpayments and £0.318m of other movements. |
Other Corporate Items |
4,595 |
4,260 |
(335) |
Release of unrequired provision of £0.528m following settlement of HSE case offset by £0.100m additional Homewood House Academisation provision. |
Total Corporately-held Budgets |
2,746 |
2,623 |
(123) |
Total General Fund |
6,573 |
3,020 |
(3,553) |